Herzblut, Männerabend, Einsichten
Bleeding heart, Men’s night, Insights

We all have a way to go – the way through life.
Some call it fate or chance; others believe it is predetermined. However one may see it, I see it like this:
It is an individual path. Each of us walks it more or less alone. What happens in and with us in life is mostly the result of our own decisions, sometimes more, sometimes less. It is not always the others who are to blame. We ourselves set the direction, whether we are aware of it or not, whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not.
Everything that happens to us, what we experience, what we do or do not do, always depends on these decisions. No matter whether we made them consciously or unconsciously, influenced them or let them happen.
How we perceive what has happened, how we deal with it, process it, what it ultimately does to us and what we ourselves then make of it, is also solely up to us.
On my way I encounter music and poetry again and again. They have always helped me to tell about myself and my path, about my experiences and what they have done to me. It is also an attempt to share my emotions, insights and experiences.
It is my view of the world.
Hoping to reach many people, I am now sending my music out into this world. May many of you enjoy it and maybe even share my view.
From the bottom of my heart,
Walter from Sixtyone
album nr. 1
Bleeding heart
01 – Du und ich
02 – Das erste Mal
03 – Du bist die Eine
04 – Liebe ist ganz einfach da
05 – Verspiele nicht Dein Glück
06 – Bis der Zweifel kam
07 – Wenn Du gehst
08 – Verdrängt
09 – Wortlos
10 – Wieder ist’s passiert
11 – Sehnsucht
12 – Worte helfen nicht
13 – Mein Traum von Dir
14 – Will die Liebe zurück
15 – Wenn die Nacht kommt
16 – Öffne dein Herz
Album Nr. 2