
Composer & Lyricist

Born in 1961, Sixtyone is a German composer and lyricist. Today he lives and works on the Swiss side of Lake Constance.

In this beautiful natural landscape, he continues to succeed in putting his life’s experiences and insights into the medium of words and music, allowing them to live in the soul of his songs. During the enforced seclusion of the Corona Period, Sixtyone completed an incredible 200 compositions.

Sixtyone’s first three albums, “Herzblut/Bleeding heart”, “Männerabend/Men’s night”, and “Einsichten/Insights”, are available and can be purchased here or at any of his concerts.

His evolved conviction, “Love can be found everywhere, even in a guitar”, carries him through life and is reflected in all his songs and lyrics. With these veracious songs, Sixtyone, in telling us about himself and his life, lives with the hope that his music will touch his audience and provide thought-provoking ideas.


"Love can be found everywhere, even in a guitar"


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